Dieter vs. eRecht24

Sowohl Dieter als auch eRecht24 bieten Online-Generatoren für die Erstellung, Verwaltung und Nutzung von Datenschutzerklärung und Impressum. Dieter bietet jedoch einen modernen, webbasierten Ansatz, der die Einfachheit von Notion mit der Funktionalität erweiterter Funktionen für die Verwaltung und Aktualisierung von Dokumenten kombiniert. Dieser Vergleich wird Dir helfen, die wichtigsten Unterschiede zu verstehen und zu entscheiden, welches Tool für Deine Bedürfnisse am besten geeignet ist.

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Dieter vs. eRecht24



Während sowohl Dieter als auch eRecht24 umfassende Generatoren für die Dokumentenerstellung anbieten, zeichnet sich Dieter durch seinen benutzerfreundlichen Editoren, vollständig webbasierte Dokumente…



  • Tailor-made GDPR packages for quick and easy implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation
  • Simple creation of GDPR-compliant documents & training tool for all employees including employee commitment & home office
  • Data protection FAQ, tutorials, live chat and individual tips and tricks for GDPR compliance

Our memberships

Data protection on demand.
Start directly with our individual services.

Legal notice

  • Create a legally compliant Legal notice for your website and those of your clients in no time at all
  • Simply answer questions to meet all legal requirements
  • Updates and adjustments to changes in the law included

Privacy policy

  • Create a customized privacy policy for your website and that of your clients
  • Easy adaptation to specific business models and data protection requirements
  • Automatic updates to always comply with the latest legal standards

TOMs & processing directory

  • Create TOMs, processing directories and much more quickly and efficiently. For you and your clients
  • Customizable templates for different industries and company sizes
  • Minimize data protection risks and ensure compliance

That's why Dieter!

Dieter does the data protection. And you do your work.

All required GDPR documents

Dieter creates all necessary documents for the implementation of the GDPR, such as your privacy policy or even the directory of processing activities. The complex requirements of the GDPR are converted in an understandable way and queried via simple yes/no answer options.

The right processes for the job

Dieter does not leave you alone, but tells you what to do, when and how. Only with the right processes can you achieve effective data protection and save time and money in the process. You too can benefit from our automated solutions for your company.

Making decisions without prior knowledge

The integrated data protection management system allows you to start immediately without any prior knowledge. Dieter guides you understandably through all legal requirements and collects your results in one place. Complete your tasks "step by step" and in just 10 minutes per week.

Any questions?

All companies must comply with the requirements of the GDPR. This applies regardless of the number of employees and thus even to sole proprietors and solo self-employed. With Dieter, you don't have to worry anymore. We take care of everything you need to fulfill your legal obligation.

Warning letters due to GDPR violations have increased steadily in recent years. This is exemplified by the numerous warnings for the GDPR-compliant use of Google Fonts in the summer of 2022. Irrespective of the fact that some of these warnings were not lawful, they were based on a decision by the LG Munich in January 2022. In addition, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruled at the end of 2022 that consumer associations are generally entitled to issue warnings for a GDPR violation. These (and other) court decisions suggest further waves of warning letters. These can affect all companies that do not take care of their legal obligations.

A GDPR-compliant website is the first step in effectively protecting yourself from warning letters. In 2022, there were already countless warnings due to the unlawful use of Google fonts. Dieter not only takes care of your data protection concerns, but also creates your Legal notice.

The data protection supervisory authorities have started to carry out random audits. For companies with fewer than 20 employees, the statistical risk of being affected by one is over 10:1.

In Germany, around 85% of all German companies were victims of a cyber attack in 2022. Each affected company incurred average costs of around €20,000 per incident. In addition, around 20% of customers terminate their contracts with affected companies or delete their accounts. Implementing mandatory technical and organizational measures (TOMs) alone significantly reduces the risk of being affected.

Almost all German companies use services from companies (Google, Microsoft, Meta, Amazon, etc.) with which an international data protection contract (SCC/JC) must be concluded. In addition, digital service providers necessarily "receive" personal data from their clients for the service they offer. In these cases, it is imperative to check whether and with whom so-called order processing agreements (AVVs) must be concluded. Dieter takes over this check and also always provides the correct contract.

79% of Internet users are afraid of "data misuse". And quite rightly so! Because since 2022, personal data has been legally equivalent to a currency. Awareness of this is growing all the time. This data should be just as secure as a bank account. And that is what the implementation of the GDPR ensures.

More than 2/3 of the participants in a study on "Consumer data and data protection" (commissioned by McKinsey & Company) stated that they would no longer want to be a customer of or work with a company that does not protect their data or passes it on without a legal basis. It also proves that responsible handling of personal data and compliance with all legal obligations is a clear competitive advantage.

It refers to the fact that every person has the right to determine for themselves what personal (and therefore very private) data about them is collected, stored and used. It also provides the opportunity to prevent abuse, fraud and discrimination. Data protection is thus an essential component of the (fundamental) right to informational self-determination under the German Basic Law. This right protects the privacy, identity and freedom of every person and is therefore essential for a democratic society. Respecting it should be a matter of course for every company.

What our customers say

"I felt Dieter's orientation towards the concrete needs of self-employed people and smaller companies from the very first steps of the work. This solution exactly meets my requirements as well as my level of knowledge and ultimately the time I can and want to spend."

Martin H.
Independent Developer

"By translating the legal requirements into understandable language, we can easily retrieve all the necessary information. With Dieter, we have found the right solution for our company and generated a high level of legal certainty."

"Despite my focus on craftsmanship, customer data keeps me busy every day in the form of telephone numbers, billing and mail addresses. In addition, online business is also taking up more and more space. Therefore, I want the assurance that I am protected in case of doubt should one of my communication channels be breached under data protection law."

"Data protection should be implementable for every company! Without prior knowledge, affordable and with a small investment of time. That's exactly what this service offers."

Damian W.
Manager in the field: AI

How Dieter works -
the video

Still undecided?
Book your privacy journey now and check in with Dieter.

Sometimes you just want to unstrap your backpack and head off on an adventure. You pack up and see what happens. It is often unclear when you arrive where and how. In this case, that's not a problem either. The journey itself is the destination.

However, on your journey to meet all data protection requirements, this "backpack strategy" is not recommended. You should know exactly which stages to take and when.

We plan your trip like a good travel agency. All inclusive, of course. Dieter takes the role of your guide and accompanies you from the beginning. This may sound a bit boring. But do you really want to experience an adventure with an uncertain outcome?